Thought the write-up about Sturt Farm pretty fair in the Haslemere Herald. Go out and buy it! There’s been an interesting debate in the blog comments on my original note about the meeting.
Stuart John thought the Council were right “not to kow-tow to small minded, single issue minority interests” – I can’t think of a bigger issue for the whole of Waverley right now!
Stephen Mulliner was very worried about the Town Council making “a foolish or clearly unfounded objection” Making no comment leaves the Council completely impotent on the matter.
I thought Robert Serman’s jibe rather splendid “As a parish council the HTC assumes too readily the mantle of greater authority than it possesses.”
I agree with him “When will HTC re-convene in public? They must do that if they are to retain credibility.” and wrote to the Town Clerk. The response back was:
“The issue was considered to be of such importance that the Planning and Highways Committee referred it to the Full Council meeting held on Monday. The proposal that was unanimously carried on Monday was ‘No Comment, whilst HTC reserve the right to make substantive comments on the definitive application if and when it comes forward’ and that is the comment I will be sending to WBC later today.”
Well of course they have the right to comment on another FUTURE application – its this one that is critical that establishes the principle of development on the Farm. Thats what Outline Planning is, and the TC have no view on the suitability of the location. So they won’t reconvene in public, thats it folks!
Sturt Farm Press