I’m very pleased that Waverley planners have agreed with the points I raised a few months ago, and have decided to refuse the application to demolish The Old Fire Station and replace it with 6 bulky flats.
This is a great victory for the Godalming community as it shows that the need for housing does not trump all other issues. Waverley acknowledge that the Old Fire Station is an Asset of Community Value and an undesignated Heritage Asset. The loss of such a community facility has not been justified, which is very interesting for those involved in the Neighbourhood Plan who have seen office after office turned into flats. The developer has failed to demonstrate that the need for the facility no longer exists and no other community facility can be accommodated on the site and has failed to ensure that adequate alternative facilities are provided in Godalming. The bulky flats proposed would would result in material harm to the character and appearance of the area and the setting of the nearby Conservation Area. The nearest example of the ‘balcony vernacular’ proposed is that of The Atrium – again hardly fitting adjacent to the Conservation Area.
There is also not enough parking spaces, a Highways objection to pedestrians being reversed over, and building 6 flats in Godalming’s dangerous Air Quality Monitoring Area (Flambard Way) means those balconies won’t ever be used!
Surrey County Council has a lot to answer for in selling off this building to a developer, and hoping to pocket some easy cash. Lets have a more sensible development – retain the red doors, and provide a mix of flats and office space.
You can read the pretty damning Waverley officer report here.